Learning Objectives

Following this assignment students should be able to:

  • Properly structure and R project
  • create a new repository in git from Github
  • clone a repository from Github using Rstudio


  1. Accept the Projects Structure assignment here
  2. Clone your repository in a local directory using Rstudio
    • You can find last lecture slides here
  3. Open the .R file and check its general structure
  4. Comment and create sections within the R code file (e.g., libraries, data, plots, etc)
# LIBS -----------------------------
# Some notes

# DATA -----------------------------
# Some notes
  1. Using help(function) or ?function describe what is being done in each section of the code

  2. Commit your changes

  3. Relabel and, if it is necessary, create new folders to organise your project for reproducibility
    • Check here for further information and examples
  4. Commit your final changes
  5. Check your commits history on your Github repository

Assignment potential solution