1. Accept the assignment here
  2. Clone your repository in a local directory using Rstudio
  3. In the R file, there is a function called Avg_BodySizeGenus. This function is intended to calculate the average adult body size (g) among species of a given genus. It returns “I am not familiar with this amniote genus” if the genus name is not included in the amniote database. If the argument taxonomy is = TRUE, then a brief taxonomic description of the genus is included in the output.
  4. Fill in the _________ in the function to make it work.
  5. Test the function using the following genera (Lagonosticta,Delphinus,Solanum) using the function by default and with taxonomy=TRUE.
  6. Edit the repository README.md file and include a brief project proposal. Include (1) the question you like to answer, (2) the potential source of data, (3) the tools you are thinking about using (4) any questions you have about the development of the project.

As as reference, the following are the outputs expected for some of the tasks.

Task Expected output
Lagonosticta output, .txt
Serilophus output, .txt
Solanum output, .txt