Learning Objectives

Following this assignment students should be able to:

  • Download biological data
  • Explore data frames
  • Manipulate data frames
  • Visualise biological data
  • Create reproducible reports

Reproducible documents assignment


Using the amniote life-history database,

  1. State a question that explore the effect of body size on lifestyle and productivity in amniotes (in any group and at any level)
  2. Create a reproducible document in your favorite format (.pdf, .html or .md) that includes
    • Download and read data
    • Data exploration and visualisation
    • Relationship between variables
    • Distribution of values of a specific variable among different groups
  3. Select two species of reptiles and download occurrence dataset from GBIF
  4. Extract values of Annual mean temperature and Precipitation for each species
  5. Plot the occurrences of both species on a map
  6. Compare the temperature and precipitation value distribution of both species using histograms or boxplots

Macroecology projects


  1. Global Ecology and Biogeography
  2. Ecography
  3. Journal of Biogeography
  4. Diversity and Distributions
  5. Ecology
  6. The American Naturalist
  7. Oikos
  8. Oecology
  9. Ecology Letters
  10. Trends in Ecology and Evolution


  1. GBIF
  2. List of Ecological databases http://innge.net/wiki/index.php/Ecological_Databases
  3. Data papers from the Ecological Society of America
  4. DRYAD
  5. Databases available in Github link
  6. Ecological traits for Amphibians
  7. Botanical Information and Ecology Network, BIEN